Dario Pegoretti, a sneak peak at what's new...
Here just a couple shots, see how many changes you can find. Ian is flying to Austin right now and will be talking to Dario for a while tomorrow at the hand built bike show. He'll be getting all the...
View ArticlePegoretti at NAHBS 2011
When Chad asked if I wanted to check out the North American Handmade Bicycle Show in Austin Texas, I jumped at the chance. It's a showcase of the world's top talent in the handmade bike world. Having...
View ArticlePegoretti Love #3 custom front end
Here are a few shots of a Pegoretti Love #3 that we had some custom work done to. The guys and gals at Spectrum nailed the fork perfectly, from matching the off white of Dario's frame to the artwork...
View ArticleMy dream bike... 20 years ago
It's times like this that I wish I'd had paid more attention in my English/Lit and writing classes. Not sure if I can really put into words the feelings that I had as I unpacked this bike from the box...
View ArticleLast week at Above Category, in pictures Vol. II
Last week was a busy week to say the least and the following photo's represent just a fraction of what went on. Here then are some pictures to guide you through last week at Above Category...One word....
View ArticleSneak peak at the new Fall/Winter Assos clothing
Here is a quick look at part of the new fall/winter line from Assos that we'll have stocked the beginning of next September. The great thing about Assos is that they make such high quality and high...
View ArticleBill's new Moots Compact CR
This is our latest Moots build for Bill B. A very straight forward and classy looking bike. But also a major workhorse with the nice stuff in the right places...Build as follows:Moots Compact CR,...
View ArticleTeaser
Promised to have a blog up today, so here we go... OK, crazy day at the shop which is great of course, but was not able to post. So here is one last teaser shot in anticipation of tomorrow!
View ArticleDay's Done, by Dario Pegoretti
We just received a few pretty exclusive bikes into the shop from Dario Pegoretti. The three bikes are all 55cm and are a Day's Done, Marcelo and Duende. The Marcelo and Duende are special as they are...
View ArticleMS's new Pinarello BOB
Here are a few shots from the latest build here at AC. This is the Pinarello Dogma with the black on black (BOB) finish. There is a lot of BOB going on here like the saddle and wheels as well. The...
View ArticleMoots Demo Day at Above Category!
Save the date! Tuesday, April 19th (one week from today) Moots will be be driving their big Sprinter Van up from the Sea Otter race and then parking it in the AC courtyard! The van will be stacked full...
View ArticleBlack & Blue Pinarello Dogma
Here is the latest Pinarello Dogma to roll out of Above Category's doors. Don't confuse the gorgeous carbon/blue Dogma as the team sky bike though. While yes, it's the same frame that the team uses and...
View ArticleLugano, Switzerland
Just two days until the start of the Giro de Sardinia. The Giro de Sardinia is a 7 day stage race run as a grand fondo. There is a shorter and a longer distance race (the entire Assos crew is doing the...
View ArticleA quick update from the Giro de Sardinia with Assos
Hi there! OK, it's been a while since a post here, but there has really not been much time and frankly I've been too smoked! I really wanted to make sure to get a few pictures posted of the Giro de...
View ArticleThe latest Custom Parlee Z5 from Above Category
Here is our latest Custom Parlee Z5 build. This one is for Ken D. who spends most of his time racing LMPC and Porsche Cup cars at tracks all over the continent (and next year, the world) so he...
View Article2011 Giro de Sardegna with Assos. Stage 1, ITT
Sunday, April 24th marked the first day of the Giro de Sardegna. This was to be a 24km individual time trial (ITT) on an out and back course. Due to what was supposed to be a really nasty day...
View Article2011 Giro de Sardegna with Assos. Stage 2, 160km
OK, so tomorrow turned into next week, but better late than never in getting stage 2 posted! Been a bit of a mad house here at Above Category, but we're working on the organization thing and even hired...
View Article2011 Giro de Sardegna with Assos. Stage 3
Stage 3 of this years Giro de Sardegna was a rolling 110+ km race. Like stage 2 it started at a full sprint for the first 20 or so km's. Having ridden a TT and a long 160km in the rain the day before...
View ArticleEnve's new 6.7 wheelset has arrived
Fresh off the UPS truck this morning; the brand new Enve 6.7 wheel set. Seems like it's been ages since we first talked to Jason and Jake of Enve Composites about these but they were true to their word...
View Article2011 Giro de Sardegna with Assos. Stage 4, 120km
Getting ready for the start of stage 4.Stage 4 was the first truly sunny stage and personally what I thought Sardegna would be like the entire week. Today was another "rolling stage" though there were...
View ArticleStage 5 & 6 of this years Giro de Sardegna with Assos
Stage 5, TTT, 40kmTaking it easy for 40km with Rasmus... Since we were so far down in GC I decided to go as easy as possible to rest my super tired legs for the queen stage the next day. I of course...
View ArticleFourteen rides on; ENVE's new 6.7 wheelset
We received the brand new ENVE 6.7 wheels a little over two weeks ago. We've been waiting for these wheels for quite a long time. The guys at EDGE (as the company was known as back then) have been...
View ArticlePerfect time for that new Pegoretti! Frames in stock now...
We are happy to announce that we have a descent amount of Pegoretti frames in stock again! Some we've had for a little while but most are new and won't last. This is the last shipment of stock frames...
View ArticleWhat's new, where we've been, gone AWOL, etc, etc...
A few days ago I was gently reminded that it's been two months since the last blog posting here. I've been slow before, but that's pretty bad, so here are my/our excuses! First off, we've been working...
View ArticleAC blog has moved
Just a reminder that our blog updates have moved to https://www.abovecategorycycling.com/home/newsThanks, now make sure to check it out, lots of great stuff coming up!-AC
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